Rouses Baronne Street

Completed 2011


New Orleans, LA
Rouse’s Enterprise, LLC

The original 148,000sf Ponchartrain Motors (later Sewell Cadillac) building, constructed in 1954, was a fine example of low-rise international style architecture in the Warehouse District of New Orleans. Williams Architects teamed with Rouses to transform the former automobile dealership and service building, which had been vacant for 5 years, into a vital downtown grocery store that is in keeping with New Orleans’ post Katrina transformation.

We retained defining elements of the former automobile showroom and upper floor parking structure and merged three buildings with a large back-of-house space for food preparation to allow the entire operation to remain under one roof as a lively and practical place for locals to shop. Future plans include a third-floor residential addition containing two owner occupied units. Williams Architects worked— as we often do—with local, state, and federal historic preservation entities to preserve the historic character while revitalizing this downtown icon. Importantly, our work on this project is credited as a catalyst for the development of the South Market District. For further information on this project please email [email protected].

Photo credit: Neil Alexander